where we'll join our heroine in her travails in search of kick ass music and more

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Some oldies, but goodies: Part I

So let me get it right out of the way. No, this is not a 'new' post. I haven't been to any shows lately so there's nothing new to report. But i have been looking through my macs and spotting some little files that i thought might prove somewhat interesting. I found some footage that i took at shows back in 2006, back before i had my wee blog. Most of it is pretty decent, although i'm not sure how great it'll look in blogger's teeny screen. We shall see.

Here goes nothing:

This was taken at a Snow Patrol gig at Roseland on September 8, 2006. That's why you can see some sort of shadow above the footage. I was stuck under the left side balcony, jam packed w/a whole lot of annoying, drunk frat-boy types. That one show almost put me off ever seeing a show at Roseland ever again....no wait, I am pretty much soured on ever seeing a show at Roseland ever again. Unless it's the *only* NYC area appearance by oh, let's say, the reunited Pulp, I don't think i'll be getting tixs for another gig there. I don't know what it is about that particular venue that just seems to attract the bottom feeders of the music world - i'm talking about the fans, not the artists. Blech. But the gig itself was really good - Snow Patrol always put on such a heartfelt show - Gary always seems to give his all to us. None of this 'I'm-so-much-cooler-than-you-and-i'm-just-going-to-stand-here-all-
disaffected-while-you-scream-out-my-name' bullshit. Yeah, i'm talking to you Julian Casablancas ;o)

Anyway, my apologies for the occasional unfocused stretch (i was still learning how to use the video function on my still camera) and huge heads in front of me...although that part I couldn't help.

Anyhoo, enjoy and I'll post again, either later or tomorrow, with another oldie but goodie from deep in the bowels of my iphoto files :o)

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