I'd been excited to see this show ever since I heard Travis was going to be coming to NYC. Last time they came to town, I saw them at Town Hall, so the prospect of seeing them in such a small place as Irving Plaza (I still can't get used to calling it by its' new moniker - The Fillmore at Irving Plaza - what pretentious crap), filled this girl with glee.
Once upon a time, I adored this band. They were one of the first bands I saw at a smallish club...well, as small as Roseland is. But my previous exposure to live music had been MSG and the Garden State Arts Center (which now goes by the so much lovelier name of PNC Bank Arts Center - sigh), so seeing Travis at Roseland was this transforming experience. I too could actually look into the pupils of singers I liked and stand within spitting distance of them (not that I spit - yuck).
But back to saturday...
They were on from the first moment, coming onto the stage through the crowd to the tune of the Rocky theme. I'd actually read about that earlier in the day, so it wasn't a complete surprise. As soon as the music started, I immediately started to scan the audience to try and figure out where the boys were coming from. The only problem being that I'm 5'3" and the boys aren't particularly tall either (well, except for one), so I was left to interpret the vigorous waving and snapping of digital cameras as proof that they were indeed making it to the stage. It was a nice touch, pardon the pun, to get to the stage by making their way through the throngs of reaching hands and happy faces.
I'd just bought the new album relatively recently, putting it off until I could find a decent sale. And then finally succumbed to the over-inflated Virgin prices just last week. I'd barely taken a decent listen. A lot of other music had come out within the last couple of weeks and the Scottish boys just seemed to fall to the side. That all changed as they played their first note and started Selfish Jean, w
They then proceeded to do a pretty lovely mix of new stuff - really excellent - with older material. At this point I have to mention the crowd. I can't remember the last time I was privileged enough to be part of such a group. Well behaved, truly appreciative and damn loud. Frannie kept on mentioning how amazed he was by our reaction. Everyone was singing along to pretty much every song, and here's the crazy part, it was really cool. Not annoying, how it can usually be, when you have some drunk asshole making up lyrics off key into your ear. It's like we'd all gone out and gotten singing lessons. Truly lovely. I couldn't believe that I had no crowd issues the whole time. And in the spirit of fair play, i.e. i certainly can go on about the bastards that usually frequent shows, I'll mention the really sweet girl who went out of her way to pick up my dropped tix during the middle of the show. Just a piece of paper falling on the floor, no big deal, and this girl just bends over in the middle of a really crowded show to pick it up for me. It sounds banal enough, but it's really unusual enough to merit mention. Maybe it's b/c Travis is not on any hit list or hip blogs. They don't make the news for their dastardly behavior and just put out wonderful melodic music which is then co-opted by others and makes millions - that's right, i'm talking about you Chris Martin! ;o)
So the people there were just fans. Not poseurs, or hipsters, or wannabes, just pure fans who'd really missed seeing Travis - they hadn't been in NYC for at least 3 years - and wanted to have a great time.
Onwards to some highlights: Frannie introduces My Eyes (a new song), by talking about how it was inspired by the birth of his first child and then promptly forgets the lyrics a few verses into it, and apologetically makes everyone start over.
The boys all coming to the front of the stage and performing Flowers in the Window acoustically.
During the encore, they decided to play Selfish Jean again (which is a bit unusual). The last time I was at a show in which that happened was when I saw Dido back in the day. And she repeated her then hit single at the end...b/c she didn't have enough songs. Seeing as Travis as quite enough material, this seemed like an odd move, until they bring out the surprise guest. Now, I wasn't actually familiar with the current video for Selfish Jean that has been making the round at youtube, or as Fran put it, it certainly hasn't been on mtv, that's for sure.
Demetri Martin was in the house, and proceeded to re-enact the video, much to everyone's delight.
But there was still more fun to come. Fran requested that we all pogo stick during one of the verses for Why Does It Always Rain On Me? And hey, for those who know me, you don't have to tell me twice :o)
Looking around and seeing the entire sold out crowd at Irving Plaza just go pogo-stick spastic was just, it's sentimental but i'll say it, beautiful moment.
The band seemed to really enjoy themselves and were truly appreciative of all the love flowing to them. They mentioned they'd be coming back soon, and I'll certainly be there, but I don't know if any upcoming show will be able to better saturday night's. Not too often one can say something was perfect, but to this sometimes jaded live music fan, that was pretty close to it.
p.s. during the pogo-sticking finale, i happened to look up into the balcony v.i.p. area and spotted a very enthusiastic (and cute) Zach Braff just rocking out like mad. just thought it was sweet :o)
2.10.08 Update: Not one, not two, but three Travis mini-films. I actually took a few more, but I think these are the best :o)
Awesome show! More pics on my link!