I know, I know. I am waaaay behind in all my concert postings. Between having colds, and going to other social events and even gasp! sleeping, I just haven't had a chance to even email anyone, much less post on my brand new blog. I'm hoping that once I get the hang of all of this, I'll be able to do it on a more timely manner, rather than 3 weeks later like I'm doing now for the Bravery.
I'd seen them before, over at Roseland, and it was quite the memorable show, but for all the wrong reasons - some female patrons mistakenly thought they were at the auditions for the new WWF women's league and almost brought me in as a cameo fighter. I guess that show was ok, but honestly, I was too busy trying not to get punched in the head to really notice if the band was in their top form.
Thankfully, this time there were no such worries.
Ah, the Bowery. Where no wrong can happen. Always a good show, even if the band kind of sucks. For those who go to enough shows, you'll know what I mean. But back to this last concert.
It was enthusiastically received by the welcoming crowd who was quite loud and on their top behavior. They also graced us with some new ditties, the names of which unfortunately, I neglected to jot down (I'll get better at this, I promise). The new sophomore songs, contrary to what happens so often, were actually quite good and elicited quite a lot of whoo-hoos, some even from others besides yours truly. It wasn't a very long show (see above mention of only one album), and they're not particularly known for their lyrical deepness, but it was damn energetic and fun-tabulously fun.
Which is really all that this writer requires from a night out. Oh, and they looked really yummy in their pullover sweaters - tres geeky chic.
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