I had been super excited to see Gogol Bordello again. Ever since I saw them for the first time last year, I'd been spreading their gospel to any and all who'd listen. Some listened and decided it wasn't their thing, but most just fell for them heads over heels.
How could one not? Their music is loud and brash and clever and Eugene Hutz is one of the most charismatic crazy men in all of music.
And since as the cliche goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, how's about some?
Just when it seems like Eugene is soon to pass out from exhaustion, he brings up yet another reserve of energy and keeps on going like an energizer bunny come to life...if the energizer bunny was tall, svelte, mustachioed and mad ;o)
At this point, sensing that running around on stage and into the audience is not quite enough, Eugene takes off, jumps unto the curved wall platform to the left of the stage, and then proceeds to jump up into the left balcony,
I couldn't see everything that was going on since it was on the same side (to the back) where I was standing. But from the reaction of some of the folk around Eugene, it seems he proceeded to vigorously snog some unsuspecting lucky girl :o) And then just hung out up there for a bit, as one would after some exhausting jumping and snogging.
The rest of the band was just as amazing as Eugene. He does take the lead obviously, but they all really get into it, particularly one of the girls. She'd actually done this same thing last time I saw them, but really it's still just as cool. She set up her drum on top of the crowd and then stood up on it, and played it (!) while standing on it.
They then played what we thought was the last song (during the encore), but DJ Scratchy comes on stage (at which point a third of the crowd have left thinking it's over) and asks if we want one more song. And they all come back! They definitely didn't seem to want to leave, which was great to see. The band was certainly having as great a time as were we all.
I was only sorry I'd only gone ahead and bought tixs for this one show - they had a second one the next night. Next time I'll know better and buy a tix for each show they do in NYC. Because there's really nothing like going to a Gogol Bordello show. It's something that should be experienced by everyone at least once.
P.S. I do have one question to anyone who might've gone to the show. Any idea why a kid in the back was dressed like a unicorn? He looked great and made my day - why not dress up like a unicorn to go see a gypsy punk band? - but i wondered about it all night.
2.10.08 Update - Yet another clip I found in my library. Please to enjoy Eugene and Co.
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