I'd only seen the YYYs once before, but it had been a memorable evening filled with screaming and moshing and a whole lot of spitting. For once I'd managed a balcony spot and was glad to have escaped the spitting range of Ms. O.
That wasn't to be feared tonight.
In what seems to have become a rather annoying habit, we got to the venue late. I could hear Karen's shrieks even at the door as I was getting my ticket ripped. But we quickly managed to make our way through Webster Hall's labyrinthine halls and made our way to, if not the front, then relatively near it.
This just made me laugh. Bags used to be checked (they still are, although beats me as to what exactly they're looking for...) for cameras, and much elaborate concealment had to be used in order to sneak in a camera to a show (a friend used to hide it down her crotch). Now with all of our fancy camera cell phones and teeny digital cameras, no one really bothers to do that anymore (with a few glaring exceptions). So what this creates is the scene below:
Looking up and suddenly just seeing a sea of light pollution obscuring the person(s) you've paid good money to come and see live. Everyone feels the need to document every moment of their life (and instantly share it with everyone I know). And hey, I well know I'm moaning and groaning about it and yet here I am blogging away (and now with pics!). But I still think there's a difference between taking a few pics at a show, while trying not to obstruct those around you, and just lifting up your arm and keeping it aloft for the duration of a show. It's become the indie version of the old carny game - whack-a-mole. See how many will pop up during the next song. Enough.
As for what songs they played, beats me. I waited far too long to actually write up this post...or rather, I wrote this up the day after I went to the show. But it was unfortunately eaten up by the damn Internets. Possibly fortunately, since a lot of it was simply a rant about a quite obnoxious girl I had the displeasure of encountering at this show. Still, it was a really good show - Karen kept on mentioning how happy they all were about being in NYC and how much they appreciated our support. She seemed genuinely happy and had her usual boundless energy. If the Yeah Yeah Yeahs ever play anywhere near your town, just run to see them. You'll be telling your kids some day about the time you saw Karen O live.
02.10.08 Update: Seeing as blogger has this fancy thing now that lets you upload some video, here's a teeny clip that I filmed at this show.
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