where we'll join our heroine in her travails in search of kick ass music and more

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Some oldies, but goodies: Part II

And now for yet another great find from my mac's bowels. I'm actually quite proud of this one. No weird unfocused bits, pretty steady. I just wish it was a bit longer, but then again, blogger probably wouldn't let me upload it b/c of its' size. Damn blogger w/their great free service and their file limits ;o)

The next selection is by Badly Drawn Boy, he of the perpetual woolen caps - seriously, has anyone ever seen a pic of him w/o one? If so, do send it on - i'm curious :o)
This was on October 12, 2006 at the Hiro Ballroom, a bit of a strange NYC venue done up as if it was some Japanese temple...in the inside. There's a 'temple' gate above the stage and red lanterns throughout - very odd. Plus b/c it's also a dance lounge (i think) live shows end up having strange curfews - quite early ones too. But very intimate and really lovely to see bands in. Well, maybe not every band, but someone like BDB was great and so was Rhett Miller whom I saw there about 6 months later.

Without further delay, here are 32 seconds of heaven with Mr. Damon Gough, singing 'Thinking of You'.

Some oldies, but goodies: Part I

So let me get it right out of the way. No, this is not a 'new' post. I haven't been to any shows lately so there's nothing new to report. But i have been looking through my macs and spotting some little files that i thought might prove somewhat interesting. I found some footage that i took at shows back in 2006, back before i had my wee blog. Most of it is pretty decent, although i'm not sure how great it'll look in blogger's teeny screen. We shall see.

Here goes nothing:

This was taken at a Snow Patrol gig at Roseland on September 8, 2006. That's why you can see some sort of shadow above the footage. I was stuck under the left side balcony, jam packed w/a whole lot of annoying, drunk frat-boy types. That one show almost put me off ever seeing a show at Roseland ever again....no wait, I am pretty much soured on ever seeing a show at Roseland ever again. Unless it's the *only* NYC area appearance by oh, let's say, the reunited Pulp, I don't think i'll be getting tixs for another gig there. I don't know what it is about that particular venue that just seems to attract the bottom feeders of the music world - i'm talking about the fans, not the artists. Blech. But the gig itself was really good - Snow Patrol always put on such a heartfelt show - Gary always seems to give his all to us. None of this 'I'm-so-much-cooler-than-you-and-i'm-just-going-to-stand-here-all-
disaffected-while-you-scream-out-my-name' bullshit. Yeah, i'm talking to you Julian Casablancas ;o)

Anyway, my apologies for the occasional unfocused stretch (i was still learning how to use the video function on my still camera) and huge heads in front of me...although that part I couldn't help.

Anyhoo, enjoy and I'll post again, either later or tomorrow, with another oldie but goodie from deep in the bowels of my iphoto files :o)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Updated old posts (now with talking pictures)

Well, it's a new year and I'm already behind on posts. But since it's now been almost a month and 2 weeks respectively since my last two musical interludes and my memory's just not that great, i've decided to instead tweak the old blog a bit. So i went deep into the bowels of my macs (one of which at least is still working ok) and found some teeny gems that had been hiding away. Rather than let you all try to figure out where i've added the goodies, i thought i'd add the links right here, in this handy post, for all to quickly peruse my film-making abilities. The next Spielberg I'm not ;o)
There's been new video added to:
I've also tweaked those lists over on the right side of the screen, so you can now click directly on the gig review you'd like to read (i.e., Reviews of Shows I Graced with my Presence - 2007), rather than try and hunt it down in the Gig Archive.

Enjoy and a very belated Happy New Year to all! :o)