where we'll join our heroine in her travails in search of kick ass music and more

Sunday, February 4, 2007

First Post

All things should have a beginning, so here goes...
I've been going to see live shows regularly for a few years now and I've been taking photos and sending unasked for reviews to friends for just as long. Most of the photos end up just living out their natural lives inside my mac, never to be seen again. And since I have the crappiest memory ever, a lot of what I thought, experienced, and felt at these shows ends up disappearing as well. So I thought I'd start this blog as a way of trying to capture all those memories. An online scrapbook without all the annoying little pre-fab stickers. January is usually a dead month for me as far as shows, so I've got nothing to post so far. But I do have a few shows coming up within the month, so I'll be sure to post on them then. Meanwhile, I'll try to put up some pics of last year's highlights...if I manage to figure out exactly how to do that.


  1. olá! bem vinda! mas assim de repente, não te sabia alfacinha ;) beijinhos e boa sorte nesta nova saga que empreendes

  2. I'm looking forward to your reviews! Especially since I don't go to many shows anymore.

    Here's my blog:

