where we'll join our heroine in her travails in search of kick ass music and more

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Updated old posts (now with talking pictures)

Well, it's a new year and I'm already behind on posts. But since it's now been almost a month and 2 weeks respectively since my last two musical interludes and my memory's just not that great, i've decided to instead tweak the old blog a bit. So i went deep into the bowels of my macs (one of which at least is still working ok) and found some teeny gems that had been hiding away. Rather than let you all try to figure out where i've added the goodies, i thought i'd add the links right here, in this handy post, for all to quickly peruse my film-making abilities. The next Spielberg I'm not ;o)
There's been new video added to:
I've also tweaked those lists over on the right side of the screen, so you can now click directly on the gig review you'd like to read (i.e., Reviews of Shows I Graced with my Presence - 2007), rather than try and hunt it down in the Gig Archive.

Enjoy and a very belated Happy New Year to all! :o)

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